Info - 00 - Abilities

01 Block

Simulation: Your character is blocking when enemy attack you.

  • NS_Block Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Impact Point (from root bone) Attach : X

02 Parry

Simulation: Your character is blocking in perfect timing when enemy attack you

  • NS_Parry Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Impact Point (from root bone) Attach : X

03 Warcry

Simulation: Your character powers up, boosting his attack damage by 100 and resistance by 30%.

Parameter : Radius

  • NS_Warcry Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X Custom Parameter : Radius (Default : 500cm )

04 Retaliate

Simulation: Your character enter a endure stance,is briefly invincible, and deals damage to surrounding enemies as it end.

Parameter : Radius

  • NS_Retaliate_01_Pre Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X

  • NS_Retaliate_02_Shockwave Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X Custom Parameter : Radius , SkeletalMesh

05 Conqueror

Simulation: Your character powers up, boosting his attack damage by 100.

  • NS_Conqueror_01_Pre Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : root Attach : X Custom Parameter : Duation.

  • NS_Conqueror_02_WeaponFlare Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : root Attach : X

  • NS_Conqueror_03_Burst Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : root Attach : X

  • NS_Conqueror_04_Buff Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Hand bone(hand_l , hand_r) Attach : O Custom Parameter : Duration (Default : 3.5 sec)

06 Ambush

Simulation: Your character leaps to a target enemy hero, dealing 100 Ability Damage.

  • NS_Ambush_Shatter Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

07 Kick

Simulation: Kick Attack

  • NS_Kick Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

08 Stab

Simulation: Stab Attack

  • NS_Stab Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

Z axis of the effect face sword end point.

09 Leap

Simulation: Leap

  • NS_Leap_01_Ribbon Loop Behavior : Infinite Socket Point : Hand bone(hand_l , hand_r ) Attach : O

  • NS_Leap_02_Land Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : root Attach : X

10 Unstoppable

Simulation: Dash

*Timed Niagara effect

  • NS_Unstoppable_01_Chest Loop Behavior : Infinite Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : O Custom Parameter : SkeletalMesh

  • NS_Unstoppable_02_Root Loop Behavior : Infinite Socket Point : Root Point Attach : O

11 Fury Blast

Simulation: Attacks ground with a forceful blow, firing a blast of projectile forward to deal Physical Damage to enemies in front.

  • NS_Fury_Blast_01_Projectile Loop Behavior : Infinite Socket Point : None Attach : X ProjectileBP reference: UltraFXWarrior/Demo/Resource/Blueprint/BP_Fury_Wave.BP_Fury_Wave'

  • NS_Fury_Blast_02_Hit Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : None Attach : X

Fury Blast is stay stationary in Niagara system. In the demo,it is moved by projectile blueprint.

12 Perseverance

Simulation: Your character enters a defensive stance for up to 2 seconds, dodging incoming attacks.and then regenerates 10% max health.

  • NS_Perseverance_Chest_01 Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X Custom Parameter : Duration (Default : 1 sec)

  • NS_Perseverance_Chest_02 Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : O Custom Parameter : SkeletalMesh

13 Fire Slash

Simulation: Fire Slash.

  • NS_Fire_Slash Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

14 Shattered Earth

Simulation: Your character smashes the ground and shatters stones, dealing 100 physical damage to enemies in a frontal cone.

  • NS_Shattered_Earth Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X Custom Parameter : Angle , Length

15 Heavy Strike

Simulation: Your character charges energy , attacking enemies with a forceful blow, knocking them back.

  • NS_Heavy_Strike_01_ChargingEnergy Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Hand Point (hand_r) Attach : X

  • NS_Heavy_Strike_02_FireWeapon Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Hand Point (hand_r) Attach : X

Z axis of the effect face sword end point.

  • NS_Heavy_Strike_03_Slash Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

16 WhirlWind_A

Simulation: Unleashes a whirlwind .

  • NS_WhirlWind Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

17 WhirlWind_B

Simulation: Unleashes a whirlwind .

  • NS_WhirlWind_Chest Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X

18 Seismic Strike

Simulation: Your character smashes the ground, knocking enemies into the air .

  • NS_SeismicStrike Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Impact Point (from root bone) Attach : X

19 Sparks Hit

Simulation: Sparks Hit

  • NS_Sparks_Hit Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X

20 Blood Hit

Simulation: Blood Hit

  • NS_Blood_Hit Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Chest Point (from root bone) Attach : X

21 Hell Blade

Simulation: Your character thrust your weapon into the ground, dealing 100 Physical Damage to enemies in a circle area ,and then deliver a finishing blow launches enemy in the air.

  • NS_HellBlade_01_First Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

  • NS_HellBlade_02_Loop Loop Behavior : Infinite Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

  • NS_HellBlade_03_End Loop Behavior : Once Socket Point : Custom Attach : X

Last updated