Ultra FX : Warrior

UE5 VFX Pack v1.0

This is Warrior's FX pack made of Niagara.

Final product format : Niagara System

Blueprint,character model, sound and animation are for showcase.


  • 30+ Niagara particle

  • Demo scene included

Supported Development Platforms : Desktop

Supported Engine Version : 5.0

Warrior Ability List

  1. Block

  2. Parry

  3. Warcry

  4. Retaliate

  5. Conqueror

  6. Ambush

  7. Kick

  8. Stab

  9. Leap

  10. Unstoppable (Dash)

  11. Fury Blast ( Projectile )

  12. Perseverance

  13. Fire Slash

  14. Shattered Earth

  15. Heavy Strike

  16. WhirlWind_A

  17. WhirlWind_B

  18. Seismic Strike

  19. Blood Hit

  20. Sparks Hit

  21. Hell Blade


  • Number of Level : 1

  • Number of Niagara System: 33 ( GPU / CPU Emitter )

  • Number of Niagara Emitter: 12

  • Number of Material : 98

  • Number of Material Function: 6

  • Number of Textures : 116 ( max size : 2048 px )

  • Number of Meshes : 27 ( max triangle : 21950 )


Animation :Mixamo

Paragon: Grux

Last updated